Hi, I'm Daniel!

Welcome to my portfolio page! 🌱

As an aspiring solution architect, I'm fascinated by how new technologies change paradigms and love developing impactful projects to benefit others. 🚀

Latest Endeavours

I'm developing the Polymer Framework

I'm Aspiring to pass the AWS Solution Architect Certification

I'm interning in GovTech (Wogaa team) currently


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ProjectBalls (V2)

Full-Stack Web Application designed for coaches to craft gameplay snippets

May - Aug 2023


DRY Frameworks to provision Serverless AWS resources using Terraform in CI/CD Pipelines



A telegram reminder bot built with Natural Language Processing (AWS Comprehend)


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  1. Workshop: EJC Unconference 2021

    Aug 2021

    Conducted an Unconference (workshop) in my Junior College with help from a website tutorial.

    Taught the basics of HTML, CSS and it's role in architecturing webpages. Participants are then guided to develop their own resumes, and deploy them as static websites in Github.

  2. Internship: Sustainable Lab Square

    June - July 2018

    As an Assistant Content Creator, developed sample AI software with Python’s NumPy, Pandas, Sklearn and Keras libraries without aid, including a functional AI software that pulls JSON data from a weather forecast API in a gardening watering project.

    Collaborated in a project to accurately perform Facial and Image Recognition utilising OpenVino inference engine and Neural Compute Stick, and mentored in a hackathon organised for youths, guiding older peers to the finals.